Inside Story about Sexual Abuse and Power Struggle within Tibetan “Buddhism”--From the Confessions of Kalu Rinpoche II

Published:2012/07/14    18:27

(By the True Heart News interviewing team in Taipei)For hundreds and thousand of years, tulkus (referred to as "dharma kings" or “living Buddhas" in Chinese) are the main lineage holders in Tibetan “Buddhism” among all four major sects. The Nyingma (the red sect), Kagyu (the white sect), Sakya (the tri-color sect) and Gelug (the yellow sect) traditions all revere the “reincarnated boy” as the continuation of the late tulku to ensure the purity of their transmission of power. Most of all, the reincarnation system allows a tulku lineage to continuously receive the large amount of offerings from their followers and to inherit the secular estate of their previous incarnation.

The Second Kalu Rinpoche, active in Europe and America, is a good example. Now 22 years of age, he was certified by Gyalwa Lama and the 14th Dalai Lama as the reincarnation of the First Kalu Rinpoche. Sedulously cultivated since childhood, he is good at preaching the "dharma" in English. He has been all over Europe, including France, Spain and other places. However, being the young reincarnation of the first Kalu Rinpoche, he took off his maroon garb and made a video by himself called "Confessions of Kalu Rinpoche." He confessed that he was sexually abused by other lamas before he had come of age while he was studying in the monastery. He told the true story of how he became a juvenile delinquent, an alcoholic and a drug addict. In the video, he narrates in his own words:

When I was like 12 and 13, I've been sexually abused by other monks…
My own Tutor, he tried to kill me, that's the truth…
They tried to kill me because you know, I am not doing what they want me to do…
He tried to kill me with the knife and everything, and it was a shocking moment for me…
When I was 18 I had all these big problems you know, then one manager tried to kill me and everything. It's all about money, power, controlling because if you can control the president, you can get what you want. That's the way it is and you know and then I became a drug addict…I became an alcoholic…

This video was uploaded to YouTube. Up to January 20th, 2012, more than 14,036 viewers had watched this video. Moreover, this video was forwarded by emails and posted on blogs. Many of these web surfers are from America, France, Germany, etc. We believe all those who have watched the video are mostly sympathetic.

In the video, the Second Kalu Rinpoche looks just like an ordinary youth. He shows no emotion in his tone and facial expression, but just calmly recounts his miserable past. He does not intend to defend the whole Tibetan "Buddhism," nor does he try to cover up lamas' errors to maintain the public image of Tibetan "Buddhism." Being the reincarnation of the first Kalu Rinpoche, surprisingly he was buggered and raped by the whole lama institution. We cannot help but wonder: In Tibetan "Buddhism," followers are asked to revere their guru more than the Buddha, not to defy any word he said or any deed he performed, and not to even have any slightest doubt. And yet, how dare those lamas have sexually abused their reincarnated guru? It is indeed the greatest outrage!

Chairman Zhang of the True Enlightenment Education Foundation points out that, to put it bluntly, the reincarnation system of Tibetan "Buddhism" is a camouflage for lamas’ distribution of power. In the theocratic society of Tibetan Lamaism, the reincarnated guru is a façade to gather followers externally and an excuse to scramble for power internally. In the power struggle, choosing an ignorant child as a chess piece is the handiest arrangement. The Second Kalu Rinpoche confessed: "It's all about money, power, controlling because if you can control the president, you can get what you want." As a great “living Buddha” at the highest level, Kalu Rinpoche told us the truth.


Lamas strive for power unscrupulously with endless assassinations. Bloody disturbances engulf the whole religious institution. The bloodstained history is simply irrefutable by any lama. Take the incident that happened more than ten years ago as an example: the Karmapa controversy, in which two candidates were independently recognized as the 17th Karmapa. Two major groups of senior lamas support their own reincarnated boy to gain control over the whole sect. In the end, they sent out assassins to kill the opponents. An old lama in Rumtek Monastery was assassinated late at night. He lay in his own blood. And the Sikkim police had to intervene and investigate such a "Buddhist" scandal!

Even lamas themselves cannot deny serial murders, assassinations and human sacrifices in their history. The Chinese emperor of the Qing Dynasty witnessed endless conflicts among lamas and intervened in the power struggle to establish “The Golden Urn” system. The system uses a lottery method to select which boy is the reincarnation of a deceased Rinpoche of high status. This might seem impartial, but in fact, it casts more doubts. Consider this: if all those Tibetan rinpoches have perfected their practices to become “living Buddhas,” who even claim that their attainment is higher than that of Buddha Sakyamuni and vow to return to the world, would such “living Buddhas” need to be ascertained by a lottery? How could a lottery based on probability select which child is the real “reincarnation”? It is ludicrous!

On top of that, lamas committed frauds in the “impartial” system of The Golden Urn in order to manipulate the tulku and wield power. In fact, it was simply power struggle among the senior lamas and the secular families. The Han Chinese forces of the Qing Dynasty later intervened to support and ensure that the designated boy would be enthroned as the reincarnated tulku.

The “reincarnation” system in Tibetan Tantric Buddhism is originated to maintain power. Tibetan lamas embellished the story about the birth of a reincarnated boy with a rainbow, heavenly melody and other miraculous phenomenon to assert and publicize to the world that a certain boy is the reincarnation of a particular late Tibetan rinpoche. To further control this child, stringent and intensive brain-washing education is provided for him until he is old enough to lead the monastery and devotees who have complete faith in his divinity and provide endless financial support. Also, the senior lamas gain both authority and wealth—consolidating their power as well as accumulating more wealth.

In his confession, Kalu Yangsi reveals the lurid inside story of the reincarnation system of Tibetan “Buddhism.” The young Kalu was not only manipulated by the senior lamas but also experienced sexual abuse by older lamas and survived murder attempts by his own guru. All these contribute to his questioning about the entire system of Tibetan “Buddhism.” Within his ten-minute confession, Kalu Yangsi reveals the major problems of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism.

First: The reincarnation system is a natural outcome of power struggle; if one is able to manipulate the reincarnated boy, it will be equivalent to have the power and fortune in hand. Tibetan “Buddhism” is a huge power organization with criminal complicity.

Second: The sexual practice of Tibetan Tantrism includes not only male-to-female but also male-to-male sex abuse, especially in which the boy novices are the victims.

Chairman Zhang points out that the above viewpoints are definitely not random accusations. Kalu Yangsi is a recognized tulku who was brought up in that system and received focused training as a great living “Buddha.” His confession contains his personal experiences, as well as his observations of the reality of what was going on there. In the history of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, it is quite usual that elder lamas sexually abuse junior lamas. They call it “pushing up into the little lamas’ cracks,” which means sodomizing the little lamas. We will make a special report about this later.

Chairman Zhang advises those with high expectations and admiration of Tibetan Tantric Buddhism, and even those beginners of Tibetan “Buddhism,” to take a look at the true revelation from the Second Kalu, who is an “insider” as well as a prestigious lineage holder of Tibetan Lamaism. Thus, one can clearly see the truth that Tibetan Lamaism is definitely not Buddhism. (Reported by the Interviewing Team)

Editor's Note:

This article is an English version of the Chinese edition published on

April 3, 2012.

